The Easiest Fix for Outdated Popcorn Ceilings

Popcorn ceilings were a trend in home design from the 1950s-80s, but like most things from that era, the trend has long since died. If you're stuck with the aftermath ruining your room, don't fret. Popcorn ceilings can be removed, but there's an even easier way.
Also called "cottage cheese ceilings" for their bumpy texture, this treatment is actually just spray-on paint. The removal process is messy, especially when it comes to spraying the ceiling with water to soften the popcorn before scraping it off with a large trowel or putty knife. After wetting the ceiling with a garden house, work in four to five feet squares at a time. Once sufficiently damp, scrape the material off with a joint knife. If it's not coming off very easily, keep wetting it and using that muscle. When you've got as much off as you can, you'll want to sand the area to smooth it out. And voila!
Sound like a mountain of undesirable work? American Tin Ceilings has a much easier and more beautiful answer for fixing up ugly popcorn ceilings: our proprietary Snap Lock™ Tin Panels - the only authentic tin panels to receive patents for their unique interlocking flange system. This groundbreaking installation method screws straight into any ceiling material, including popcorn, cement, plaster, and drywall, with no mess or stress. Snap Lock™ Tin Panels are available in every color in every pattern. Shop Snap Lock™ here: and see some of our favorite Snap Lock™ installations below and get inspired to renovate that out of date popcorn ceiling!
Click Here to Learn More about Snap Lock™

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